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Conquistador Council Camp Announcement

May 15th, 2020 

Dear Scouting family, 
First and foremost, we hope that this email finds you and your family well. It goes without saying that we are living through an unprecedented and concerning time.  
As always, your safety and the safety of all our members, volunteers, and employees is the Boy Scouts of America’s top priority. As such, we have taken a careful and informed approach in evaluating whether to run summer camp this year.  Since the spread of this pandemic, we have been continually monitoring the situation, and consulting with health experts, government officials and other camp professionals. 
We know camp is an important part of every Scout’s summer, and this decision was not made lightly. 

Resident Camp Information 
It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that, after a thorough review, the Conquistador Council has decided to suspend our resident camp programs at Wehinahpay Mountain Camp for the 2020 summer season.  
We will be providing a Virtual Camping Experience in place of the in-person Resident Camp experience at Wehinahpay Mountain Camp.  Additional information will be forthcoming via email and our social media channels including program schedule, fees and registration links. 


If you have already made camp payments, you have the option of applying your payments to next year or you may request a full refund.   Please let us know your preference by June 1st. 
To let us know what you would like to do regarding the funds already paid please complete this form or contact Greg Anderson.  If we do not hear from you, we will proceed with processing your full refund on June 2nd. 
We are hopeful and looking at ways to offer our 2021 experience at the 2020 rates.  As you can imagine with the uncertainty related to the true economic impact of COVID-19 we can’t guarantee that at this time. 
2603 North Aspen Roswell, New Mexico 88201 Phone: 575-622-3461 Fax: 575-622-3493 

Day Camp Information 
We will be delaying our Day Camp operations from the month of June until July at this time.   
We will work with our Day Camp Leadership to finalize dates and plans by June 15th.  That information will be communicated via email and on our social media channels. 
We must acknowledge that the possibility does exist that we will not be able to offer inperson Day Camp programming this summer. 
Our council and staff are saddened that we are not able to serve you at Wehinahpay Mountain Camp this summer or potentially with a Cub Scout Day Camp experience. This is an extraordinarily challenging time; unlike anything we have experienced. Our hope is we all emerge from this challenging moment stronger than before. 
Most importantly, we look forward to providing the full range of Scouting programs, including outdoor adventures, as soon as we can and as the situation allows per the State of New Mexico and federal guidelines.  
We hope all our Scouting families stay healthy and positive in our current environment and join us in preparing for future great summer camp experiences in the Conquistador Council.  


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Scouts Zip Lining

Ley scout

Un Scout es confiable, leal, servicial, amable, cortés, amable, obediente, alegre, ahorrativo, valiente, limpio y reverente.

Ley scout

En mi honor, haré lo mejor que pueda

cumplir con mi deber con Dios y mi

País, y obedecer al Scout

Ley, para mantenerme físicamente

fuerte, mentalmente despierto, y

moralmente recto

Conquistador Council, BSA  - 2603 North Aspen Avenue - Roswell, NM 88201  -  575-622-3461 - Fax 575-622-3493

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