National Order of the arrow conference 2020

A $50 deposit reserves your spot in the Kwahadi contingent for the 2020 National Order of the Arrow Conference. NOAC will held on the campus of Michigan State University August 3–8, 2020.
What to do at NOAC? There are nightly eye-popping Arena Shows, ceremony competitions, athletic events, American Indian pow-wows, a Trading Post with OA items you can’t get anywhere else, Very Important Arrowman Luncheons, a gathering of Eagles, an OA museum, and trading for some of the coolest lodge flaps on the face of the earth. You can meet the National Chief and Vice Chief. You can make new friends with Arrowmen from across the country.
Why go to NOAC? Those who chose you need you. You can gain a deeper understanding of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Order of the Arrow Obligation, and what it means to live these words every day. You can renew your spirit, pride, and enthusiasm for Scouting and the OA. You can enhance your leadership skills. You can learn the latest information about outdoor and high-adventure programs.
Ready to sign up? Go to this link to register online - You can pay your $50 deposit there as well. Arrowmen who register before October 23 will receive one 2020 Kwahadi Lodge NOAC Contingent lodge flap.
Once you have registered you are halfway there. An additional $50 is required by December 1. These deposits are non-refundable. When you register, the $50 holds your spot and if you want to, you can go ahead and pay the full deposit fee of $100.
You won’t have to register yourself for NOAC. The Lodge will do that for you when you pay the $50 deposit. You won’t have to hassle with an electronic medical form either. Your annual physical for camp will suffice. Simply save a copy for the Lodge contingent leader.
The full fee to attend NOAC is $545. Kwahadi Lodge has proven it can take a contingent to NOAC for $250 per Arrowman. Seems like a lot, doesn’t it? The Lodge is committed to hold a series of fund raisers between January 1, 2020, and May 1, 2020, to defray the costs of attending.
And there are some things that individual Arrowmen can do. The annual popcorn sale is happening now. Take advantage of Show and Sell and the Take Order efforts to raise money for yourself and your troop. Don’t forget the Camp Cards in the Spring. Work at it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised how much you can get done.
The National Order of the Arrow Conference is the most fun you can have with 8,000 of your closest friends. Sign up today!
Yours in Brotherhood
Deven Fells, Lodge Chief
Howard Parman, Lodge Adviser
August 3-8, 2020
$50 Deposit due by Dec 1