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Why should you join Scouting?

Since 1910, Scouting hasn’t been so much about camping and hiking as it is about the spark. The spark may be a leader’s encouraging words, achieving a merit badge for engineering, or going on a high adventure rafting trip. There’s no telling what the spark might be for a young person, but it just may ignite a fire within that burns his or her entire life.

For Adventure.

It’s a big world. Pack a map. Scouting is the introduction for many young men and women’s to the great outdoors and, most important, a lesson on their place in it.

For Leadership.

Scouting builds leaders. Former Scouts sit on the boards of global corporations, walk the halls of the White House and have been known to occasionally go hiking on the moon. The life lessons young people learn in Scouting help them make good decisions throughout their life.

cool temperatures. awesome classes.atv (
For Service.

Beyond outdoor adventures and programs, today’s Scouting uses innovation and technology to harness youth’s natural curiosity and prepare them for success.

For Learning.

Many Scouts achieve more before the age of 18 than some people do in a lifetime. Best of all, they do it to not only improve themselves but also their communities.

Cub Scouting makes the most of right now.

Our program provides youth a foundation they can stand on to embrace opportunity, overcome obstacles and make new discoveries.

Family Scouting in New Mexico

Learn about Family Scouting in Southeastern New Mexico and the opportunities available for both young men and women to be Prepared. For Life.

Does Scouting Work?

There are a lot of activities out there for your child and family to choose from. Scouting is not only a fun activity, but provides an environment that builds positive character and prepares young people for life’s challenges.

Scouts Zip Lining

Ley scout

Un Scout es confiable, leal, servicial, amable, cortés, amable, obediente, alegre, ahorrativo, valiente, limpio y reverente.

Ley scout

En mi honor, haré lo mejor que pueda

cumplir con mi deber con Dios y mi

País, y obedecer al Scout

Ley, para mantenerme físicamente

fuerte, mentalmente despierto, y

moralmente recto

Conquistador Council, BSA  - 2603 North Aspen Avenue - Roswell, NM 88201  -  575-622-3461 - Fax 575-622-3493

United Way Partner
100th Anniversary Logo
Scouts Outdoors
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