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Communities We Serve


The council is divided into 5 service areas, called districts, where the Scouting program is delivered to the local communities.

El Llano Grande - serving De Baca, Roosevelt, and Curry Counties

Rio Hondo - serving Chaves County

Oil Patch - serving Lea County

Chisum Trail - serving Eddy County

Sierra Blanca - serving Lincoln County

Council District Boundaries

Not sure which district you are a part of?

Scouts Zip Lining

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best
to do my duty to God and my 
Country, and to obey the Scout
Law, to help other people at all times
to keep myself physically
strong, mentally awake, and 
morally straight.

Conquistador Council, BSA  - 2603 North Aspen Avenue - Roswell, NM 88201  -  575-622-3461 - Fax 575-622-3493

United Way Partner
100th Anniversary Logo
Scouts Outdoors
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