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Canned Goods

Support Our Scouts 

Scouting For Food, organized by the Conquistador Council, is a unique month-long community service initiative. Hundreds of Scouts, along with their parents and leaders, come together to collect and donate hundreds of pounds of food to local Southeast New Mexico food pantries. Businesses can support the Scouts' efforts by serving as a food donation drop-off location.


Saturday, November 16, 2024- Hang Tag Distribution Day 
Saturday, November 23, 2024 - Food Collection Day


The distribution and collection occur on a district-by-district basis. Various units such as packs, troops, teams, crews, and posts are assigned specific geographic areas for distribution and collection.

Units are responsible for delivering the collected food to designated collection sites, including council properties or food pantries. A team of volunteers will manage the transportation of the collected food to the Southeast New Mexico Area foodbank and local shelters. 


Businesses can register to support the Scouting For Food program. They are encouraged to collect food until November 18, following which the Scouts will arrange to pick up the donations and deliver them to a local food pantry. 


For those who may have missed receiving a hang tag, additional drop-off locations will be announced as more businesses participate in the collections. 


During the food drive multiple drop-off locations will be available for those wishing to make food donations as part of the Scouting For Food drive.

Scouts sorting food donations
Shareable Social Media Images

You can help make this year's campaign even more successful by spreading the word about the 2024 Scouting for Food drive on your social media accounts! Below are some sample verbiage and downloadable images for your use.

Sample Posts: 

  1. "This Saturday, November 23rd, thousands of collection bags will be distributed by Scouts and families throughout the area as part of the annual Scouting for Food drive. Please help keep them safe and ensure your bag of canned goods is out for collection next week." 

  2. "Scouting for Food collection is happening this Saturday, November 18th! Please have your canned goods ready by 10 AM in a visible spot from the street. Scouts and their families will collect your donations and deliver them to a local sorting location or food pantry. Thank you for your contribution to fighting food insecurity in our region!" 



Carlsbad, NM
Dowling Aquatics Base
205 S James St
Carlsbad, NM
Pioneer Bank
111 N Canal St.
Clovis, NM
Hobbs, NM
Camp Jim Murray
1100 Jim Murray Road
Hobbs, NM
Pioneer Bank
1600 W. Joe Harvey Blvd
Hobbs, NM
Pioneer Bank
1020 N. Turner
Lovington, NM
Portales, NM
Roswell, NM
Majestic Communications
5206 W 2nd Street
Roswell, NM
S.P. Yates Scout Service Center
2603 N Aspen Rd
Roswell, NM
Pioneer Bank
3000 N Main St.
Roswell, NM
Pioneer Bank
306 N Pennsylvania
Roswell, NM
Pioneer Bank
2 St. Mary’s Place
Roswell, NM
North Spring River Jazzercize (DURING CLASSES ONLY)
1212 N Richardson Ave
Roswell, NM
Spring River Dental
711 W Almeda St.
Ruidoso, NM
Pioneer Bank
1095 Mechem Dr.
Help to Promote Scouting for Food!
Ready to volunteer your time and vehicle?

Thank You to our Business Sponsors

Ultimate Final Logo Purple PNG.png
Majestic Communications

Register Your Business as a Drop Off Location

Someone will be in touch with you soon. Thank you for supporing our Scouts.

Food Donation Drop-off Locations

Scouts Zip Lining

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.

Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best
to do my duty to God and my 
Country, and to obey the Scout
Law, to help other people at all times
to keep myself physically
strong, mentally awake, and 
morally straight.

Conquistador Council, BSA  - 2603 North Aspen Avenue - Roswell, NM 88201  -  575-622-3461 - Fax 575-622-3493

United Way Partner
100th Anniversary Logo
Scouts Outdoors
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