Reporting Violations
of BSA Youth Protection Policies
If you think any of the BSA’s Youth Protection policies, including those described within Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse have been violated, you must notify your local council Scout executive or his designee so appropriate action can be taken for the safety of our Scouts. Youth Protection can be achieved only through the shared involvement of everyone in Scouting.
Remember—Youth Protection Begins With YOU®.
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.
For a Scout-related report, contact your Professional Scouter or Scout Executive, Lee Murdoch(W)575-622-3461
For reports of activities not related to Scouts, call the Department of Family and Children's Services in your local community.
For Scout-related reports do not talk to the media. The Scout Executive is the official BSA spokesman. Let him answer all the questions. Do not discuss details with other individuals until the council has completed a thorough investigation. Thank you.
Please click on www.myscouting.org to take the BSA Youth Protection training.